Module Coq.Grammar

This module provides functionality onijn's "compiler". We need to generate string constructs that can be parsed by Coq in order to generate a proof-script that can be checked. The functions in this module produce strings that satisfy the requirements in

Notice that it is possible to produce coq code that doesn't compile in Coq. The production functions here only receive strings as input and produce strings matching Coq's grammar. Coq is the ultimate checker of the output of proof scripts.


type keyword =
| Require
| Import
| Open
| Scope
| Proof
| Qed
| Defined
| Definition
| Match
| With
| End
| Let
| In
| Global
| Instance
| Progam
| Inductive(*

The keyword type enumerates the keywords we support.

val keyword_to_string : keyword -> string

keyword_to_string k is the written representation of k as in Coq syntax.

Grammar Constructions

val ident_vbar : string -> (string * string * string) list -> string

ident_vbar idt cs returns a string in the grammar:

idt | <lhs_0> <token> <rhs_0> ... idt | <lhs_n> <token> <rhs_n>,

where idt is the identation string and the <lhs_i> <token> <rhs_i> are in cs.

val cmd_def : keyword -> string -> string -> string

cmd_def keyword ident body returns a string in the grammar:

<keyword> <ident> :=

<body> .

It can be used to define the identifier ident with the body body.

val cmd_stm : ?keyword_list:keyword list -> keyword -> string -> string

cmd_stm ~keyword_list:[ks] keyword body returns a string in the grammar

<ks>? <keyword> <body>.

Example: to produce the coq code Require Import Nijn., we invoke cmd_stm as follows:

cmd_stm ~keyword_list[Require] Import "Nijn".

Notice that the optional argument ~keyword_list is needed whenever the coq statement utilizes more than one keyword.

val cmd_proof : keyword -> string -> string

cmd_proof keyword body returns a string in the grammar




The keyword argument should be a valid proof ending Coq keyword (if you want to produce valid coq scripting). In this version: Qed or Defined.

val cmd_ind_dec : keyword -> string -> (string * string * string) list -> string

cmd_ind_dec keyword ident ls returns a string in the grammar

keyword ident :=

|<lhs_0> <token> <rhs_0>


| <lhs_n> <token> <rhs_n>.

The list ls contains the list of triples representing the <lhs> <token> <rhs> pattern.

val match_cmd : string -> string -> string

match_cmd match_ident body returns a string in the grammar

match <match_ident> with



val let_cmd : string -> string -> string

let_cmd let_ident body returns a string in the grammar

let <let_ident> := <body> in